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As part of the consultation process for Tipperary ETB’s Statement of Strategy 2023-2027, the five core ETB national values were endorsed as our own. These will guide the organisation going forward, in our FET centres, schools and administrative offices.

Four people holding two posters showing Tipperary ETB core values, one in English and one in Irish


We aim for excellence in all aspects of our work as an ETB. We are committed to achieving the highest quality standards of teaching and learning, and in the delivery of all our services. We value innovation and seek to achieve continuous improvement, supporting our staff to engage in professional development opportunities.


We care for the welfare, wellbeing and safety of our students and staff by creating safe and welcoming environments for learning and working. We have a culture that recognises and celebrates the achievements of students and staff.


We strive to ensure that all students, staff and members of our communities are afforded equal opportunity to participate in education and training, and that our work is based on a core respect for human rights and diversity. Our ways of working create an environment and culture where everyone feels involved, consulted and valued. We do this by listening and being open to other perspectives, respecting diversity and valuing alternative views.


Our Tipperary ETB community includes our staff, our students and our partners, working together to achieve our collective goals. We are closely linked to communities in which our services are provided. We value our partnerships with community groups and organisations to bring social, cultural and economic benefits to the county.


Tipperary ETB promotes equality of opportunity and treatment for staff and all people who avail of our services. We operate within a culture of accountability, fairness, honesty and inclusion. This culture is exemplified in the relationships between all members of the Tipperary ETB community and is reflected in the decision-making processes we use. Our focus is to impact positively on the rights and aspirations of the diversity of people within the Tipperary ETB community. We treat every person with respect and protect the human rights of our students, staff and all persons to whom we provide services.

Patron's Framework

Over recent decades, Ireland has experienced major cultural, religious, political and demographic changes. As ETB schools are ‘state’ schools, they have particular responsibilities in respect of the ‘common good’ in an increasingly diverse society. It is therefore imperative that ETB schools have a clear understanding of the ethos underpinning life in their schools and are guided in their realisation of this ethos.

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The ‘ETBI Patrons’ Framework on Ethos’ has been developed by ETBI and the Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection, Dublin City University (DCU) in conjunction Ireland’s 16 ETBs and ETB schools, primary and community colleges. The Framework aims to describe what an ETB school is, locally and nationally by providing:

  • ETB school communities and other relevant stakeholders with a common understanding of the ethos of the ETB school sector
  • Practical guidance to ETB schools on how the ethos can be lived out on a day-to-day basis
  • A decision-making Framework for ETB school leaders and Boards of Management