Climate action is the most pressing long-term global challenge of our time, and the public sector will play a leadership role in driving far-reaching climate action across its buildings, transport, waste, and energy usage, as well as wider society.

To support public sector bodies leading by example, the Climate Action Mandate applies to bodies covered by public sector decarbonisation targets. The Mandate helps public sector bodies to show leadership by prioritising areas where we can focus our climate action.

A Tipperary ETB Climate Action Committee has been established. Membership includes individuals in key positions within Tipperary ETB who have an interest in and can be key advocates for the delivery of change in Climate Action, with the knowledge and experience required to effectively discharge duties allocated under our Mandate.

Tipperary ETB’s Climate Action Roadmap was submitted to SEAI on 7 February 2024, and it details how Tipperary ETB aims to achieve its Climate Action targets.

Tipperary ETB Climate Action Committee

Director FET (Climate Action Champion)Colin Cummins
Director of SchoolsClodagh Kelly
Director OSDLiam McGrath
APO CorporateCatherine Corcoran
APO FinanceColumba Glavin
APO HR/ ICTDavid O’Donnell
FET NomineesNoel Colleran
Matthew Ryan
Schools NomineesPeter Creedon
Donal Madden
Capital BuildingsFiona Campbell
Emma Gleeson
ProcurementLoretto Slattery

Tipperary ETB Climate Action Roadmap