A wellness workshop took place in the Clonmel Park Hotel on March 26th last. The event was organised through South Tipperery Area Network (STAN) – which is a multi- agency Network which aims to support mental health provision and awareness across South Tipperary
The wellness workshop was funded collaboratively through Tipperary County Council, Tipperary ETB, The National Office for Suicide and Presentations and the South Tipperary Mental Health Associations. The workshop was delivered by Suicide or Survive which is charity focussed on breaking down the stigma associated with mental health issues and ensuring that those affected have access to quality recovery services that are right for the individual.
Approximately 50 attended were present including service users, areas covered included:
- Relaxation and stress management
- How to bring calm to your life
- The relationship between thoughts and emotions
- How to develop a wellness toolkit and daily wellness plan
- An introduction to mindfulness and meditation
Lunch was provided and there was excellent feedback from all who attended.