The publication of Tipperary Education and Training Board’s Quality Assurance Procedures is in keeping with ETB’s mission of providing “a quality education and training service, which creates diverse opportunities enabling learners and communities to unlock their potential.” (Statement of Strategy 2018-2020).
Our QA procedures are being developed in line with our core values and aim to be inclusive innovative, professional, respectful and transparent.
Goal 1 of our strategy is to lead the development of quality provision to meet the education and training needs of learners and the wider community engaging with Tipperary ETB. The update of existing QA policies and procedures and development of new ones will form the basis of achieving this goal.
Listed below are links to the ETB’s 11 core areas of quality assurance where all policies and procedures will be located. Users may wish to revert to legacy QA agreements for information where updated policies and procedures are not yet available.