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Monday, April 24 2023 was a momentous day as the Thurles Latch-On group had the chance to travel and meet their fellow students in Cahir. There was an air of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation as the Thurles group boarded the bus bound for Cahir. However, the nerves were soon forgotten when everyone joyously took part in a karaoke on the bus. The group’s melodious voices could definitely be heard in Cahir before they arrived.

Latch-On (Literacy & Technology Hands-On) is a two-year literacy programme for adults with Down Syndrome, which provides opportunities for adults to commence and continue their literacy development. Latch-On is funded by Tipperary ETB and is run in collaboration with Down Syndrome Ireland.

The programme was developed at the University of Queensland in Australia, and two of the people who developed the programme visited Cahir earlier this year. You can read more about their visit here.

The Thurles group received a warm welcome from all the learners in Cahir when they arrived at the training centre on Monday. Shouts of happiness and laughter filled the air as the learners delighted in reuniting with old friends and making the acquaintance of new ones. Everyone was eager to introduce themselves and to get to know their new companions. Both groups bonded over team games and Charades, followed by a delicious lunch. The highlight of the day was a walk around the Cahir Sensory Garden, where everyone posed for photographs under the soft pink blooms of the giant Cherry Blossom tree.

All too soon, the trip came to an end. Both groups had to reluctantly say goodbye to their new friends.  The Thurles group were so busy chatting and laughing that they almost forgot to board the bus. They finally said farewell with promises to keep in touch and a warm invite to their Cahir friends to come and repay the visit to Coláiste Éile. The sound of snoring instead of singing could be heard on the journey home as the Thurles group dreamed of the wonderful day they had and looked forward to future adventures with their new Latch-On friends.

Thurles Latch-On wishes to pay thanks to their new friends in Latch-On Cahir for a wonderful day. Like the blooms of the Cherry Blossom tree, they fill our life with beauty!