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Statement from Tipperary ETB, incorporating Youthreach Cappawhite:

As the community in Cashel comes to terms with the tragic news of the loss of life in Cashel on Tuesday night, I write to inform you that sadly this tragic event has impacted family members who attend our Youthreach centre in Cappawhite.

Measures are in place to support our learners and staff, and the centre will remain open and operating as normal over the coming days. Having met with the team in Cappawhite yesterday, I would like to thank Joanne and the team for their commitment to their learners at what is a very difficult time for everyone associated with the centre.

We are also thinking of our colleagues in CTI and the wider school communities in Clonmel this week as they continue to come to terms with the tragic event of last Friday.

I would ask you to keep our learners and colleagues in both Cappawhite and Clonmel in your thoughts this week and over the coming months.

Colin Cummins

Director of Further Education and Training, Tipperary ETB