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The Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team supports the provision, coordination, administration and assessment of youth work in county Tipperary.

Working under the authority of the ETB Act, the Tipperary ETB Youth Work team partners with a range of youth work providers including Foróige, Youth Work Ireland Tipperary, Waterford and South Tipperary Community Youth Service, and North Tipperary Leader Partnership. The unit also works in cooperation with a range of other statutory and voluntary agencies.

Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team aims to encourage partnership in the youth work sector, and to promote the common goal and purpose of youth work for the benefit of all young people.

The Youth Work Act 2001 provides a legal framework for the provision of youth work programmes and services, and gives statutory responsibility at national level to the Minister for Education and Skills, and at local level to ETBs for the development of youth work and it’s co-ordination with other services for young people.

Definition of Youth Work

“A planned programme of education designed for the purpose of aiding and enhancing the personal and social development of young persons through their voluntary participation, and which is complementary to their formal academic or vocational education and training.”

– Youth Work Act, 2001

What We Do

  • Administration of funding to Youth Work projects,
  • Make recommendations on grant applications and project allocations,
  • Administration of Capital funding to the Youth Work sector in Tipperary,
  • Administration of Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) to volunteer-led Youth Clubs
  • Maintain a governance and oversight role over funded projects and clubs on behalf of Tipperary ETB,
  • Implementation of the National Quality Standards Framework for staff-led Youth Projects in Tipperary,
  • Implementation of the Quality Standards for volunteer-led Youth Groups,
  • Work in partnership with statutory and voluntary sector to support, promote and enhance the development of youth work and other responses that can be a support to young people in Tipperary,
  • Work with the Tipperary ETB Youth Work Committee.

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2018-2023

The Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team has, through this research, explored the trends emerging in universal volunteer led youth work clubs and groups.

LGBTQ+ Research 2023

This is a report by the Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team on the needs of youth workers working with young people who identify as LGBTQ+ in county Tipperary.

Tipperary ETB Youth Work Committee

Tipperary ETB, in accordance with the Education and Training Boards Act 2013 Section 44 (1) have established the following Youth Work Committee:

Tipperary ETBCllr Declan Burgess
Cllr Mairin McGrath
Anna Tuohy Halligan
Youthwork Ireland, TipperaryDonal Kelly
ForóigeSarah Dunleavy
Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth ServiceMichelle Kelly
An Garda SiochánaInspector Des Bell
Tipperary Co CouncilFiona Crotty
TUSLA, Child and Family AgencyFionnuala Kenny
TUS (Technological University of the Shannon)Dr Sinead McMahon
Comhairle na nÓgJack Ryan
Kaitlyn Ryan
Group of people at meeting

Contact Us

Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team, Tipperary FET College, Richmond, Templemore, Co Tipperary. E41 FF98

Follow Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team on social media

Members of the Tipperary ETB Youth Work Team, joined by actor and guest speaker Shane Casey, at the ‘Pinnacle of Youth – Celebrating Compassionate Leadership Conference’, hosted at the Anner Hotel in February 2024.
(L to R) Lorraine Duane, Youth Development Officer; Shane Casey; Lisa McGrath, Youth Officer; Pauline Mogen, Youth Officer.